July 18, 2010

It’s Never Too Late!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccassello @ 4:38 am
This morning I woke up very tired and listless.  I did my journal writing later than usual and did not write much.  There was another talent show rehearsal today for anyone who could and wanted to come but I did not.  I decided to stay in and pamper my inner child.  I went back to sleep for awhile and all I did today was watch a couple of movies on TV, read some articles from old newspapers and work the crossword puzzles.

That is one thing I notice about growing older, I can’t keep running around doing things every day anymore.  After a couple of busy days, I need one to just relax and recuperate.  Any young people who may read this will not be able to relate, but those who are older or about my age should understand.  It is also a good idea to have a day like this before one I know will be busy, like taking it easy between now and Tuesday’s rehearsal because then I will have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as very full days and nights, our church is having a 6th anniversary celebration of being in the building they are in now and will hold services Wednesday through Friday night.  But Friday I want to go to a program for writers the SCBWI, (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, of which I am a member), is holding at a bookstore in Hyde Park.
Saturday is our church picnic.  If I go to all of these events, I will need about a week to recover, which means I will not be likely to be going to the writing groups the week after next, or a week from Thursday.  (I still keep thinking they meet on Tuesday.  Maybe I will be rested up enough to go then.)

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