August 24, 2010

It’s Never Too Late!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccassello @ 2:34 am
I’m going to do this blog a little earlier, (or a lot earlier) than usual so I don’t wind up posting it tomorrow morning.  Then, I don’t get any reading done before bed because I am too tired.
This morning I went downtown for the class on world religions.  It was more interesting today because the lesson was on Judaism and we had a Jewish man in the group who explained things that we did not know about and told us how to pronounce words we all say incorrectly.  I agree with a friend of mine that if I were not Christian and was seeking a religion to follow, I would be drawn to Judaism.  
It is hard to understand how Christianity, which came out of that religion, has managed to remove the best aspects of it and given us such a different picture of God and how he feels about us.  I think we need to relearn what we have missed.  I can see why our faith does not attract them.
After the class ended, I met with a friend and we went to a nice Italian restaurant and shared a lasagna.  The desserts at the restaurant were very expensive, so we did not get them.  We went to Walgreen’s and bought ice cream that was on sale and sat by the river to eat it.  I did not get back in time for the walk tonight.  They were having their ending prayer outside the church when I got there.  
I have been keeping Pastor Williams informed about my thoughts about our services and of course had written about the revival services, so I gave him a copy of what I wrote about it.  He told me he enjoys reading my comments.  This morning I began to underline in my journal the pieces of ideas that i had which I said could lead to  longer essay, or poem and I may write something tonight, or begin to at least.   

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