August 10, 2010

It’s Never Too Late!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccassello @ 3:45 am
This morning, I had to go downtown for the World Religion class.  The instructor showed a DVD on Buddha.  It was really well done and informative.  It began telling how he was born, the hedonistic life he was leading and how he began searching for peace of mind and gave up all of his material possessions to achieve that.  Today, people are rediscovering that less is really more.  The more simple our lives are, the happier we tend to be and even Jesus taught that.
After that was over, I met one of our chorus members who is in the same scenes of the play with me and we went to the directors home to go over some lines and hear some ideas of how she wants us to play the rolls.  We read through them a couple of times.  The two of us then took the buses back downtown, got some Chinese food and headed home.  She took the same bus I took part way and then transferred to another bus while I rode to rode to the stop just before the end of the route and walked home from  there.
I missed going on the evangelism walk tonight.  They had just finished up when I got to the corner.  Pastor stopped me before I crossed the street and we talked for a few minutes.  I came up, checked my mail, talked to my friend on the phone and am now doing this blog.  When I finish, I will get ready for bed.  I won;t go right to sleep, but I will be ready.

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