August 23, 2010

It’s Never Too Late!

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccassello @ 5:06 am
This was the last day of our tent meetings.  We held Sunday school classes and service under the tent this morning.  First Lady led the woman’s Sunday school class.  It was about new love, meaning God’s love for us and ours for Him.  When we know Jesus, we are to love what God loves and hate what He hates.  She asked each of us to name something God hates and we did not get through with all of the lesson.

I sang with the choir again.  The only thing I don’t like about being in a choir is that usually one can only hear the person closest to them and does not get to hear what the audience, or in this case the congregation hears.  It was well received though, so I know it sounded good.  We did the same songs we did on Friday night.
Pastor’s message was about the woman with the issue of blood who came to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe for healing.  He called the message "I Won’t Let It Stop Me!"  The woman was determined to let nothing get in the way of her coming to Jesus for healing and she had faith enough to believe that even just touching his robe would cure her.  Pastor encouraged us to not let anything or anyone stop us from coming to Jesus.  When the invitation was given for anyone who wished to accept Jesus to come forward, one man, several women and some children responded.  The man was taken back to the church to be baptized.
A second invitation was given for those wanting prayer and many more people came up, were prayed for and anointed with oil.  After the service ended we ate together and back packs filled with school supplies were given out to the children and those in school, including adults in college.  Then other members got back packs too, but without the supplies.  The packs are red with the church name and address and Pastor’s name on them in white letters.  So, besides the Monday night walks through the neighborhood we are getting our name spread.  Now we need to pray that those who use the back packs will be on good behavior and not disgrace the church or Jesus, whom we represent.

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