March 24, 2014

Smokey, Junior and Boots and Animal Lovers

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccassello @ 10:38 am

VIVITAR DIGITAL CAMERAVIVITAR DIGITAL CAMERAThe founders of a writing site I subscribe to, posted that they had one of two cats die on them and were going to have to “put the second one to sleep” as we put it so nicely.  Many people commented on their loss and it made me think of my pets, especially my cats who I lost.  I also thought of people I find myself attracted to and invariably all of them have pets.  There is a tendency for animal lovers to be better people lovers also, and in examining murderers backgrounds, they discovered that they began by abusing animals and graduated to abusing people.  So, if you want to form the right kinds of friendships make sure they have, or did have, pets lesson we all need to learn.  I do not have a picture of Smokey on my computer, but he was the same color as Junior.  They could have been brothers.  All of them were strays my mother and I took in and neither of us were cat lovers at the time.  We were used to dogs.  But, the cats worked their magic on us.

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